Stars on Bikes (that also do Pilates!)

Tricia Helfer of Dark Blue

Tricia Helfer of Dark Blue

It’s funny how perception changes once something new has come into your life. I probably would have noticed this little sidebar article in SELF Magazine but maybe not or I would have just skimmed over it quickly. Now that I have a bike, I was much more excited by it! And what a great way to use your bike and celebrity – raise money for a good cause! She is featured in the October 2010 SELF Magazine. We’ll just ignore the fact that she is in a woman’s magazine about being your best self and being true to who you are and she looks like she is actually supposed to be in Esquire. Not that I think she’s unattractive or don’t appreciate the female body but sometimes, some images just seem out of place.

She also does Pilates, of which I am a big fan, and when I was taking the MSF course, they put a lot of emphasis on posture – sitting up straight and not leaning on the handlebars – and I thought, man, is Pilates going to come in handy for this! Not that I don’t already sing its praises to the heavens for ridding me of chronic hip pain but it just keeps proving itself to be the best form of exercise I’ve ever found.

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