This silly fun post with Keanu Reeves slow-walking to various songs. Unexpectedly enjoyable!
Would you ever make a journey like this to try a rare food? Rare as in only a couple people know how (and are willing) to make it in the entire world?
Mexico used to expand much higher into what is now the US than it does now. These amazing “portraits of descendants of early inhabitants“, imagining what the history of the land that used to be part of Mexico might look like. (Slideshow at top of page – arrows are subtle)
Listen In: There are some things in life that don’t have a specific deliverable or aren’t directly measurable. And those are just as important, if not more, than the ones we measure.
Experiments with cameras that didn’t start out as cameras and produced some amazing shots.
ooo this turned up in a playlist on Pandora. I hadn’t heard this song in a long time. The whole album, Raising Sand, is really good.