What turns out to be some years ago now, I created a winter wreath. I wanted it to last for more than just the holidays both for frugality and because I lived in a little one bedroom with my boyfriend and there was no room for storage. Even though I now live in a slightly larger two bedroom, I still store my Christmas decorations at my mom’s!
Ironically while dealing with my tendonitis, I have been wanting to create. Nothing like not being able to do something to get you to do it! I have been bad the past couple days not wearing my brace which keeps me honest about not using it so I thought I would continue the trend.
The bow was done on that winter wreath this year – the white paper ribbon was crushed and yellowing so I set about tearing it off. The base was still nice though and I’ve always liked the texture so I bought a new bow for it. It is not my favorite bow – I was sick, it was the last piece of decorating but I was determined and I figured this could go into the early part of the new year since it wasn’t red and green.

A couple of weeks ago while Michael’s I saw all the Valentine’s Day crafting supplies and decorations out. (also all the new spring stuff which only made me want to make more wreaths!) I thought the red, sparkly decorations would be a good change – I could use the same base but spiff it up a little! I had been meaning to make it back and with the threat of a looming snowstorm that might keep me cooped up for a few days I went at lunch and as luck would have it everything was on 40% mark down! (to make room for the St. Patrick’s Day decorations which are green and sparkly…)

I am not loving the lighting, it looks a little garish but I know in real life it’s very pretty! It was also the first time I’ve ever attempted to make a bow from ribbon. Ahem. It only took an hour… so glad a friend called and distracted me for a while so I wasn’t as frustrated when I got back to it. Success.