There was nothing between winter and summer to spruce up our bland hallway door – our building is fairly new but the hallways look like hotels or dorm rooms with no carpets. Light green doors, door number, bell, bland hallways. I put a mat in front of the door but sometimes you just need a little bit more. It’s much nicer to come home to a little personalization. The other apartments are following suit! There is a door with sugar skull decorations for Halloween/Dia de los Muertos! (you see what I mean about the doors…)

I dug around on the internet for some inspiration. I found some brown yarn in my stash (from a very early attempt at knitting a sweater… that didn’t go so well… ahem). I then knit what would basically be a long, thin scarf to go around the circular frame.
The frame is made of cardboard which is easy to get a hold of in a apartment building on recycling day. I made two cardboard circles and hot glued them together. I used two because one felt a little flimsy. Each circle was made by tracing around two different sized bowls, one large and one smaller. Since it’s for an apartment and won’t be outdoors, cardboard is inexpensive and just fine.

I found some floral stuff on sale at Michael’s that felt very fall but still bright and colorful.

and voila! Not-so-bland door for fall!

Love the wreath — happy door!