What does it mean to make marks? And is it true that we each have marks that are unique and recognizable to us? I was skeptical but it turns out, it could be true.
notice – [noh-tis ] – to pay attention to or take notice of; to perceive; become aware of; to mention or refer to; point out.
Photography, writing and art have always been a part of my life. Since they’ve always been there, I didn’t give much thought to why or what they do for me until I decided to pursue them more “formally”. From what I can tell they do at least these 2 things for me.
Noticing: I find the world to be an amazing, wonderous place. The more I notice, the more I notice. Looking for things to see, makes you focus, which gets you out of your head and allows you to let go of thinking for a while.
Thinking: If noticing takes you out of thinking for a while, it is simply because I do a lot of thinking. Writing is a way of recording what I’m thinking about and figuring out how I actually thinking about something. It is also a way to make a record of how something went, like a project. Or life.
Recent Writings

Nursery Trip
In making an effort to get out of the house more often, for more than just the usual errands, I took a spur of the moment trip to my local nursery.

Sometimes a Page Just Falls Together Easily
Sometimes an art journal spread takes a while, sometimes it’s just waiting there for you to find it!