Just came back from a trip to San Francisco. Technically, it was my second visit since I was there a few years ago for a design conference but since I didn’t really get to do any sight-seeing, I count this as my first trip. I stayed with a really good friend for 4 days and I can’t believe how much we did! Phew! This rose was taken at the Sutter
How Shallot Can You Be?
I forgot about this photo a few months ago when I made my first recipe with shallots. I remember loving how smoothly and easily the shallots gave under the knife and how pretty they were. The purple skins and the white insides against the texture of the cutting board. This photo is a happy rediscovery. Now, what WAS that recipe… I do remember it was quite tasty!
Iced Berries
Was out running some errands while visiting my mom during Thanksgiving… Nah, who am I kidding? I went to the craft store! Even if I had to go can that really be considered something as mundane as an errand?! So, was on the way back up the windy, twisty road and it had been snowing, just a dusting though. Everything was just covered enough to wipe away the dreary browns
Golden Texture
A detail of the yarn and beads used to create a set of ornaments for my mom. I think the elements that make up a project are just as interesting as the finished item itself. Each element has its own life before it is combined with others to create something different. But what does the finished ornament look like?
Petaled Wood
It was a beautiful fall day for a wedding. One of my closest friends married his long-time girlfriend out on the deck of a really lovely catering hall. While I have wonderful photos of the wedding (the kiss! of course!) I’m very much into the details of events and places. Moments that capture what I was feeling the whole day. The sunlight on the deck, the flower petals like confetti.
Diner on the Diagonal
You really can’t get shots like this in New York City. There are always so many people which is not necessarily a bad thing – the different types of people all in one place make for some interesting days sometimes. Other times… well… We were on a motorcycle trip and stopped here for breakfast. Once I saw the view – the stools, the bright light at the end of the
A Touch of Decay
During one of our motorcycle trips in the fall of 2010 we stayed at the Taconic Campgrounds. Fall was in full force outside the city and we hit it just right for two weekends in a row. We were exploring the campgrounds, heading to get firewood when we passed these little pink flowers.