I am part of this really cool 8 week coaching intensive program, the Live Your Dream Challenge with Jenny Fenig, success coach to savvy women-on-a-mission, and our first assignment was to create vision boards – a way of seeing what your dream looks like to better help you achieve that dream. You can use magazine images, typography, anything you want really, that will convey what you’re wanting to happen. It’s fun making time to just sit and pull out pictures and words that you really like and focus on yourself!
I was reading Inc., a magazine for entrepreneurs, I found this quote:
“If you have any more than three priorities, you have no priorities.”
– Maggie Fox, CEO, Social Media Group
When I read it I thought that would be a great starting point for the vision board assignment. I’ll choose my three and then give each of the priorities its own board. It’s so easy to have all these goals lined up and be surrounded by to-do lists that are just over-whelming sometimes but what are the three most important things to me right now? What do I really need to focus on to get all those other lists done? It didn’t take long to choose my three areas – Business/Career, Self-Esteem, & Home.
This one is high on my list right now because I am currently working on a re-launch/re-branding of my business as an independent designer & consultant. I thought this board would be harder but once I saw the title ‘The Business of the Studio’ in Where Women Create (Spring 2012), it all fell into place. The office space, the charts of details and always leaving room for the self and growth both as a person and as a business-woman. The little green ‘Au’ boxes say Autonomy underneath. Judging by how many I included those little boxes, I’d say that’s a pretty important part of having my own business for me!
This one actually proved to be the hardest. I originally started with ‘Health’ but couldn’t get the images quite right – I was choosing a lot of exercise images which is definitely something that is important to me – so I let it sit overnight. I realized this morning that it wasn’t physical health that needed focus but mental health. I am very upbeat and positive about the goals and dreams of other people but don’t really save any for myself. My inner dialogue is really quite rude and that’s quite enough of that thank you! I chose two of the exercise images to keep because exercise is a big part of my self-esteem and feeling good about myself – I danced for years so any extended periods of inactivity really drag me down. The serene background and the quotes are about finding inner peace through listening to yourself and finding what makes you happy.
I want one! A home, a house, a space to decorate, to entertain friends – I used to do this all the time when I lived in a bigger apartment and I really miss it. Also, a house would mean more room to create art. My little apartment is so cramped (and it looks like a hotel room – all it needs is the check-out sign on the door!) it’s hard to store all the bits and pieces needed to create the kind of art I really like much less have the space to do the art and display it or store it. This one will take awhile but it’s on my radar! In the meantime, I’m trying to clear as much clutter out of my apartment as possible so that I can do more to make it feel more inviting.
I really like your self esteem selection in particular. I like the inner peace comment and how you worked in into the picture.
What a good idea to limit to three. Focus. focus, focus. 🙂
The Muth
This is absolutely spectacular, Rayna! Love your 3 focal areas. Very powerful indeed. Thanks for being YOU and for sharing your journey with me and the other lucky ladies. I have full faith that all you want is yours …
I just found your blog! What a great project and I also love your focus areas. I think the clearer we can be the faster the dreams are realized! You are well on your way . . . .