Things don’t have to be perfect the first time out and I fight that – I want it to just happen and be right out of the gate. Sometimes I don’t want to keep going because it’s not right the first time but that really never accomplishes anything, does it? You just end up with a bunch of half-assed stuff lying around in your brain and your life, taking up space and niggling at you.
New for Fall!
There was nothing between winter and summer to spruce up our bland hallway door – our building is fairly new but the hallways look like hotels or dorm rooms with no carpets. Light green doors, door number, bell, bland hallways. I put a mat in front of the door but sometimes you just need a little bit more. It’s much nicer to come home to a little personalization. The other
Summer Wreath
I was determined that, before I went on my three week trip to visit my mother, that I was going to finish my summer wreath. I think that green yarn covered circle had been sitting on my desk staring me down for around two months! Enough is enough! The base of the wreath is the same as my Winter Wreath, two circles of cardboard glued together. I got the flower
Renegade Craft Fair
Depending upon where you first enter the fair, it seems deceptively small it is definitely not. According the Fair website, there were over 300 artists! It’s probably good that it is two days because it can be a little overwhelming.
Golden Texture
A detail of the yarn and beads used to create a set of ornaments for my mom. I think the elements that make up a project are just as interesting as the finished item itself. Each element has its own life before it is combined with others to create something different. But what does the finished ornament look like?
Winter Wreath
January always seems to be such a dreary month. Christmas is over, the decorations have come down, and the days are short (though slowly getting longer!). A while back I bought the Holidays & Celebrations magazine from Somerset Magazines. It’s not just for Christmas, though, they have Valentine’s Day, Easter and Halloween, too.There was a how-to for a ‘prize ribbon wreath’, by Lori Oles, within the first few pages that
I saw a Yarnbombing!!
completely forgot that, on Saturday, I passed a VW Bug that had been Yarnbombed!!
The Mom Swatch Pillows Progressing Nicely!
Actually, the measuring/gauge was fine I just forgot to add an inch to each side for the seams. Silly rabbit. Better noticing at 6 inches than 16. I then had to undo about 2 or 3 inches 2 different times because I botched the double moss stitch border, probably by not paying attention (maybe knitting and season premieres don’t go well together…).
A Little Art, A Little Yarn
I hadn’t been in a yarn store in so long. Michael’s arts and crafts is just not the same. Yes, they have yarn (but not enough and it’s the same yarn in every store) and yes, they are great for just about everything but it’s not the same. Walking into a yarn store is peaceful. All the yarns and colors reaching to the ceiling and walking around just touching the yarn and thinking of all the wonderful things that could be from all that glorious yarn!