In making an effort to get out of the house more often, for more than just the usual errands, I took a spur of the moment trip to my local nursery.
A Bud is a Bridge to the Future
What can we learn from nature, which places a great amount of hope in the fragile buds the produce flowers and leaves in spring?
What Occurred to Me When Pruning My Azalea
I didn’t have a blog post in mind when I decided to tackle my forlorn azalea bush but I don’t argue when the content comes of it’s own accord.
New for Fall!
There was nothing between winter and summer to spruce up our bland hallway door – our building is fairly new but the hallways look like hotels or dorm rooms with no carpets. Light green doors, door number, bell, bland hallways. I put a mat in front of the door but sometimes you just need a little bit more. It’s much nicer to come home to a little personalization. The other
Summer Wreath
I was determined that, before I went on my three week trip to visit my mother, that I was going to finish my summer wreath. I think that green yarn covered circle had been sitting on my desk staring me down for around two months! Enough is enough! The base of the wreath is the same as my Winter Wreath, two circles of cardboard glued together. I got the flower
San Francisco Rose
Just came back from a trip to San Francisco. Technically, it was my second visit since I was there a few years ago for a design conference but since I didn’t really get to do any sight-seeing, I count this as my first trip. I stayed with a really good friend for 4 days and I can’t believe how much we did! Phew! This rose was taken at the Sutter
Petaled Wood
It was a beautiful fall day for a wedding. One of my closest friends married his long-time girlfriend out on the deck of a really lovely catering hall. While I have wonderful photos of the wedding (the kiss! of course!) I’m very much into the details of events and places. Moments that capture what I was feeling the whole day. The sunlight on the deck, the flower petals like confetti.
Art Journal: Week Three
While I was working on it I thought – isn’t that really what framed photos are like? You frame them because the memory was great or the image is beautiful and they are confined to that little rectangle area but they are bigger than that.
A Touch of Decay
During one of our motorcycle trips in the fall of 2010 we stayed at the Taconic Campgrounds. Fall was in full force outside the city and we hit it just right for two weekends in a row. We were exploring the campgrounds, heading to get firewood when we passed these little pink flowers.
Small green globes that shroud
the delicate within –
angelic white kissed with sunset pink.