Sometimes an art journal spread takes a while, sometimes it’s just waiting there for you to find it!
Garrison Art Tile
A year-long art journaling course gave me the courage to answer an Instagram post calling for entries from a little art gallery near me.
A Wreath of Possibilities…
What turns out to be some years ago now, I created a winter wreath. I wanted it to last for more than just the holidays both for frugality and because I lived in a little one bedroom with my boyfriend and there was no room for storage. Even though I now live in a slightly larger two bedroom, I still store my Christmas decorations at my mom’s! Ironically while dealing
Exercising My Creative Chops
In an effort to keep myself in the creative habit, I bought the book Creating Art at the Speed of Life: 30 Days of Mixed-Media Exploration (Amazon Associates Link). It’s 30 exercises for 30 days to just create. Will I do them all in a row? I doubt it – I have noticed not only distinct lack of routine in my life but also a distinct lack of being able
Getting started and going for a swap!
The first project of the year will be a swap! The Sketchbook Project sets up these mini-projects to sign up for during the year outside of their self-titled, main project. The one I signed up for is called ‘The Ampersand Project’
New for Fall!
There was nothing between winter and summer to spruce up our bland hallway door – our building is fairly new but the hallways look like hotels or dorm rooms with no carpets. Light green doors, door number, bell, bland hallways. I put a mat in front of the door but sometimes you just need a little bit more. It’s much nicer to come home to a little personalization. The other
Global Sketchbook Project Day
Today was the Sketchbook Project meet-up day. I almost didn’t go – it was such a perfect Sunday to not do anything. Just sunny enough, just breezy enough. Did I really want to go hang out with people I didn’t know, who might not even show? But I did go and I’m glad I went!
Seeing Visions
I am part of this really cool 8 week coaching intensive program, the Live Your Dream Challenge with Jenny Fenig, success coach to savvy women-on-a-mission, and our first assignment was to create vision boards – a way of seeing what your dream looks like to better help you achieve that dream. You can use magazine images, typography, anything you want really, that will convey what you’re wanting to happen. It’s fun making time to just sit and pull out pictures that you really like. Focus on yourself!
A Certain Shade of Lipstick
The poem starts out “I like a certain shade of lipstick…” and goes on with references to war, cabaret and far away places covered in snow. I felt that the lighting in this catalog cover image conveyed that feeling of another time and place. And of course she is putting on that certain shade of lipstick!
Summer Wreath
I was determined that, before I went on my three week trip to visit my mother, that I was going to finish my summer wreath. I think that green yarn covered circle had been sitting on my desk staring me down for around two months! Enough is enough! The base of the wreath is the same as my Winter Wreath, two circles of cardboard glued together. I got the flower